100 % PURE Organic Chlorella Superfood – Highly-Absorbable Complete Protein, Vegan, With all the Essential Amino Acids. – from Essona Organics, Powder – 180 gms., 60 Day Supply. Order Today!

Contains All Essential Amino Acids, Broad-Spectrum Antioxidant, Packed With Iron And Essential Minerals, High In Calcium, Magnesium And Phosphorus, Easily Digested and Absorbed, High in Chlorophyll
Traditional Uses: Blood Purifier, Boosts tissue growth, healing and repair, Improves Digestion, Balances Hormones, Increases Energy and Vitality, Helps Restore Alkalinity, Heavy Metals Eliminator,
100 % Organic Chlorella



Chlorella contains highly-absorbable complete protein, with all the essential amino acids. It contains all of the essential B vitamins as well as vitamins C and E. In addition, chlorella incorporates all of the major essential minerals including iron and zinc. Another of the chlorella benefits is that it helps the body to break down metallic toxins. These toxins include lead, cadmium and mercury among others. The toxins bind with chlorella and are excreted harmlessly from the body.
Contains All Essential Amino Acids, Broad-Spectrum Antioxidant, Packed With Iron And Essential Minerals, High In Calcium, Magnesium And Phosphorus, Easily Digested and Absorbed, High in Chlorophyll
Traditional Uses: Blood Purifier, Boosts tissue growth, healing and repair, Improves Digestion, Balances Hormones, Increases Energy and Vitality, Helps Restore Alkalinity, Heavy Metals Eliminator,
100 % Organic Chlorella
Comes with FREE ebook,” Superfoods From Around the World!” that explains the function of Superfoods.
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