Living Stream Full Complete Greens provides the body with phytonutrient super-foods that allow it to function at its peak. This superior green food contains over 110 natural ingredients, designed to provide nutritional support for those individuals who will not eat the required fruits and vegetables. Most “green” drinks are barely palatable, not “Full Complete Greens!” Our FCG’s will leave the palate “smiling” when mixed with good quality water. This product will provide vital energy and assist to elevate the alkalinity in the body, helping support a healthy immune system.* Specific benefits from the ingredients of “Full Complete Greens” include: adaptogenic properties, weight control, pH balance, a great source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and bioflavonoids, supports increased antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal activity. Full Complete Greens contain a blend of superfoods.
Full Complete Greens
11.5 oz Powder
Contains Over 110 Super Foods
Cleanses Blood Increases Energy
Alkalize PH
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